Friday, November 4, 2011

Book Review

The book Treasure Island is captivating and is a classic for a reason! It may start off slow but it picks up its pace when reading deeper into the book. The courage and bravery shown in the book by Jim, just your average boy, can inspire kids today that they can do the same! The way the book grows on you and hooks onto you, you really just want to know what happens at the end of the book like where does the treasure map lead? What will happen to Jim? and etc. With all those questions, its enough drive to get you through it.

The creativity used to make this story as it is know now, it is filled with literary devices such as symbolism, motifs, allusions, and much much more. It makes you want to research about the real pirates that are mentioned in the book like Blackbeard or Willliam Kidd. The wide variety of vocabulary makes you want to have the book in one hand and a dictionary in the other. It is like having a whole English lesson out of the classroom.

Even the title turns on ones curiosity, the word treasure seems to ironically out shine the others. The simple way that the plot goes one makes you foreshadow event in the book almost subconsciously, making scenarios in your head crossing out one and making another. The book Treasure Island is quite a treat to read when wanting to relax. I give this book 3 smiley faces :D :D :D

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