Friday, November 4, 2011

Favorite Quotes

“I have only one thing to say to you, sir … if you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel!” (17)

“ ’Heard of him, you say! He was the blood-thirstiest buccaneer that sailed! Blackbeard was a child of Flint. The Spaniards were so prodigiously afraid of him that, I tell you sir, I was sometimes proud he was an Englishman’ “ (45).

" 'A man who has been three years biting his names on a desert island, Jim, can't expect to appear as sane as tou or me. It doesn't lie in human nature.' " (131)

Book Review

The book Treasure Island is captivating and is a classic for a reason! It may start off slow but it picks up its pace when reading deeper into the book. The courage and bravery shown in the book by Jim, just your average boy, can inspire kids today that they can do the same! The way the book grows on you and hooks onto you, you really just want to know what happens at the end of the book like where does the treasure map lead? What will happen to Jim? and etc. With all those questions, its enough drive to get you through it.

The creativity used to make this story as it is know now, it is filled with literary devices such as symbolism, motifs, allusions, and much much more. It makes you want to research about the real pirates that are mentioned in the book like Blackbeard or Willliam Kidd. The wide variety of vocabulary makes you want to have the book in one hand and a dictionary in the other. It is like having a whole English lesson out of the classroom.

Even the title turns on ones curiosity, the word treasure seems to ironically out shine the others. The simple way that the plot goes one makes you foreshadow event in the book almost subconsciously, making scenarios in your head crossing out one and making another. The book Treasure Island is quite a treat to read when wanting to relax. I give this book 3 smiley faces :D :D :D

Literary Devices

Allusion: Four real pirates were mentioned in Treasure Island, Blackbeard, Bartholomew Roberts, Edward England, and William Kidd.

Motif: Animals are used a lot in this book, but not necessarily to all characters. Animals in this story are usually associated with pirates, like Long John Sliver's Parrot. Since the parrot only mocks things, it somewhat shows that pirates only make unnecessarily noises instead of intellectual words. Also the color black is associated a lot with the pirates. Such as their flags, the black spot for summoning, Also the color black i think means that darkness in the pirates lives, and that its that reason they go after shiny gold to illuminate some part of their life.

Symbols: The treasure map is like a magnet with a mysterious aura around it that draws in not only Jim, but the readers as well. It changes the boy who would inherit the Admiral Bendbow Inn, to a sailor and a hero. Also the boat made of sheepskin and wood, the Coracle, it shows an almost religous view cause Jim uses that small boat to arrive at the "Hispaniola" and kill the Israel Hands, almost like a David and Goliath moment. One of the most important symbols I think personally in Treasure Island is rum! It is the primary thing pirates drink and sort of ties to theiru uncontrollable anger and their recklessness. The rum ties to the "Deadman's Chest" poem or dirge in the very first chapter, when pirates drink, it gets deadly.

Character List (w/ Details)

Jim Hawkins - He is the protagonist of the story Treasure Island. He is the son of Mrs. and Mr. Hawkins who own the Admiral Benbow Inn. He is also the narrator of the story. His adventure starts when a long term lodger names Billy Bones dies of a stroke and pirates raid the Inn and him and his parents are forced to flee and hide.

Billy Bones - Also known as Capt. William Bones. He was a long time lodger at Admiral Benbow Inn, he died of a stroke and caused Jim and his parents to flee.

Long John Silvers - He is the primary antagonist of the story. He was the quartermaster for the notorious Capt. Flint. He also had a pet parrot names Capt. Flint that was often eating seeds off his shoulder.

Allardyce - Was part of Flint's crew, after burying the treasure, he is killed by Flint.

Pew - A deadly and horrible blind beggar who dies by getting stampeded by a bunch of horses.

Abraham Gray - The carpenter of the "Hispanola", he saves the life of Jim by killing Job Anderson.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


T rouble
R epetitive
E statatic
A rtistic
S pecial
U nique
R idiculous
E xpressive

I solation
S imple
A ggressive
L ong
A dmirable
N oteworthy
D esirable

Haiku (Poem Of Choice)

The map of treasure
In the hands of Jim Hawkins
Find the hidden gold

Free Verse

The man of mysteries,
the one with the map,
right when he accepted it,
it sealed his path,
the urge to find it,
the treasure that is spoken of,

To feel the need,
of moving on,
one step after another,
hoping to reach his goal